Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Iceland street style from Reykjavik.

And above, the second picture is of clouds over Mt. Ranier in Washington, from Nasa's "Picture of the Day." The first picture is one I took out the window flying home from Seattle this past summer. I love the Northwest, everything there is so natural and beautiful.

It snowed all day today in Boston. I looove it. Makes walking to class a little slippery though..

Can't stop listening to "Moments Have You" by John Frusciante.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe a photography class? That would be good. You've got a great eye. Your photo from the plane is awesome. Maybe your female peers care what you're wearing, but it's not going to earn you a living or pay the bills. Clothes can help define you to others, but you have more to offer the world then that.